why journalism?

Journalism is a tangent of the media that has the power to shape public opinion to a massive extent. Imagine life without journalism…would we still have the same attitudes about people, situations or events? This is exactly where my interest in the topic stemmed; what is the effect of the powerful medium of journalism? I’m hoping to explore this concept in my study of the topic and create some answers to these very questions.

I am particularly interested in the freedom that journalists have. Of course there is an element of structure and certain rules have to be followed BUT where is the line and what do journalists do to break (or perhaps more accurately bend) these rules in order to get their point across? Not only will I be looking at journalistic methods but I will be producing my own work and learning techniques that hopefully will improve my writing skills. I have already explored journalism to an extent through my modules in Writing Foundation Skills and Journalism, which I found really interesting. I didn’t quite realise what I could achieve in terms of creativity and how much my personal opinion could be put across. I hope to learn more about the power of journalism and to what extent it affects society so watch this space!

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